On the Road Again – Ireland Road Trip | Dublin to Wexford
We set out from Dublin for a 14 day road trip. I’m not really fond of selfies, but I had to get a shot of us just before “takeoff” in our Mini Cooper. Unfortunately, my video skills were not much better than Bill’s driving on the left skills coming out of the parking garage. I wish I had the video and hysterical laughter, but somehow I missed it when that curb jumped out and got us, dinging the hubcap which we eventually lost. Actually, Bill’s done an amazing job driving here, other than a few moments of me yelling left, left, left as he turns into the right side of the road. Occasionally it just doesn’t register for either of us.
Once on the road we were amazed by the beauty of the trees as they canopied the road.
We made a few stops along the way for photo ops and just to regroup and assess the damage – yes we eventually lost a hubcap from the curb that jumped out to bite us leaving the airport.
Here it is, prior to completely losing the hubcap – wondering if we have met our deductible? It’s amazing how narrow these road are!
Aha – could this be our missing hubcap? Nope that’s not it.
Nope, that’s not it either – guess we weren’t the only ones having trouble with the narrow streets and curbs.
Our first stop along the way was the town of Wexford.
Selskar Abbey
Church of the Immaculate Conception – Wexford
So cool how the date of the church was inlayed at the entrance with a rock mosaic.
I am easily entertained by “people watching”. Love how this dog sat on the bench right alongside his owner – too cute!
During a little break sitting in the grass I reminisced about my childhood and making a “chain” of flowers.
Had a great time so far, but still anxious to get more in the country and out of the urban areas – now if we can just get more comfortable with navigating those roundabouts counterclockwise! Oh, and I haven’t attempted to drive yet – more to come!
An Irish Blessing ~
May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore.