The Hills Are Alive . . . | Kiental, Switzerland
“The hills are alive with the sound of music” came to mind often during the past few days in Kiental, Switzerland. Actually the mountains and hills felt alive. As the snow melted from the peaks we could hear the sounds of rushing water cascading down waterfalls and over rocks in the streams; birds happily singing to welcome spring; the village church bells chiming every 30 minutes announcing the time; and cow bells (something I’ve only heard in Switzerland) along with an occasional moo. We even heard cuckoo birds in the trees. I never saw one, but imagined them in their little clocks popping out to say “cuckoo“. Add to that the tranquility of being in the quiet little village of Kiental with no TV and just the sounds of nature made the past few days feel like a fairy tale.
I don’t know if I feel more like Heidi or Julie Andrews as Maria Von Trapp.
Actually this magical time at Kientalerhof brought all five of my senses to life. The amazing Yoga Nidra and Human Movement classes with Glenn Black while here helped me to relax, let go, stop thinking so much, and breath in the prana and life energy of these beautiful surroundings with heightened awareness. The panoramic views were so much to take in – photos and words can’t do it justice. The sights were stunning in every direction. The rugged mountaintops juxtaposed against the softness of the fluffy snow and billowing clouds on a backdrop of vivid blue skies; the different shades of green in the trees and grasses coming to life after a long winter; and the golden sun in the fields of wild flowers.
A couple of times we took the chair lift up for an outdoor lunch at the Mountain Inn Golderi restaurant before hiking even higher into the mountaintops.
A view from inside the restaurant at the top of the chair lift
We chose to have our lunch of yummy potatoes covered in cheese and tomatoes outside.
I’ve never felt this serene, peaceful, grounded, and connected to nature. In addition to classes we hiked or walked every day, sometimes all day long.
Each day we felt stronger and were able to hike a little further. We were rewarded on one of our longest hikes with an incredible view at the base of seven separate waterfalls.
That’s Bill and our friend Ben under the waterfall
Our friend Evelyn enjoying her book after lunch
As we rested by the stream at the base of the waterfalls for lunch I lay on my back in the grassy field, closed my eyes, and thought about what I was able to feel – the firm, cool ground beneath my body; the prickly grass on the back of my arms and legs; the warm sun on my face and cool breeze blowing my hair. After lunch we took some time to take off our shoes and dip our feet into the freezing cold water coming down the mountain of melting snow. It was so invigorating, not to mention helping to relieve the blisters on my tired feet.
You might say water has no taste, but you could feel the energy and nourishment when drinking the fresh water from the mountains. It tasted delicious along with the homemade bread, peanut butter & jelly, and apples our friend Evelyn had so kindly packed for our lunch.
Crystal clear mountain water was available everywhere to fill our water bottles
Finally, the 5th sense – smell. The smell of fresh cut pine; clean air; an occasional overpowering smell of manure being spread in the fields; wood burning in the hot sauna (a perfect end to a long day of hiking or workshops); and the delicious smell of fresh baked goods from the bakery (hard to walk by and not stop in for a treat).
Walking past the bakery in the village of Kiental.
Some of our hikes felt like a grand hobbit adventure. It was magical to walk, climb, hop, skip and jump like a kid again feeling so free, healthy, and at one with nature.
There is such a powerful energy here in Kiental, Switzerland, but we can’t be here everyday or have Glenn Black to guide us through moving freely and connecting to the world we live in. It’s been a great reminder that we should all take time every day to be mindful of the natural beauty in our own backyards. Wherever you are, try to take some time to get as far into nature as possible, slow down, get quiet, and really take it all in. Breathe deeply, and let your surroundings permeate your soul. Get off the beaten path, take the road (or path) less traveled. Be adventurous – see what you can find.
Be sure to spend some time with no conversation or worries and use all of your senses to find inspiration in the world around you. Take off your shoes and feel the ground under your feet & grass between your toes, maybe even dip them into a nearby stream. It will be cold, but exhilarating. Try lying upside down with your back over a fallen log and look up at the sky. I bet you can’t frown while upside down! Don’t be afraid to run, jump, skip, play & enjoy the freedom of letting go, being at peace, and truly enjoying life.
Even if you spend the day in nature with the one you love, take a little time to just be silent and notice your surroundings.
As you quiet your mind and become more connected to the earth – let your awareness transport you through your senses. Feel free to share your experiences – we’d love to hear about it!
“May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being, may you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.” — Apache Blessing