It seems that simplicity in life should be easy. However, when life gets complex, busy, and overcomplicated it takes an effort to get back to simplicity. With so much stuff and too much to do – Where do you start? How do you make the changes you dream of? Maybe the “simple” answer is to just start. Wherever you are, whatever your situation, make changes one step at a time.Simplicity comes with so many rewards. A few short years ago I learned the true meaning of simplicity. My life felt as if it had spun out of control and I needed to make some big changes. One thing led to another and within a period of about 18 months I sold or gave away nearly all my material possessions. What I kept literally fit into the back of my SUV. It was a process and not always easy, but in the end, it was so worth it!
I felt free as a bird and literally “flew the coop” to see the world. Every chapter of my life has been unique and special, but the freedom I felt leaving my empty nest (and material possessions) behind led me to places I never could have imagined. Enjoying life without all the clutter brought clarity – it was beautiful, pure and simple.
The lightness sometimes makes me feel giddy, like a little girl again. Enjoying simple things I haven’t even thought about in years – reading a good library book under a tree, catching snowflakes on my tongue, or noticing the shapes of clouds in the sky.
Traveling the world and meeting wonderfully happy people despite their extreme poverty has been an eye-opening experience. The happiest people always seem to be those who are most grateful. Material things are not what makes them most grateful, but being grateful for what they do have. It can start with the simplest things like our breath and our body.
My first real travel experience happened in Nicaragua. The people I met were so kind, grateful, and happy. The girls in this photo live in the home pictured behind them.
In a continuing effort to keep my own life simple, I’m combining my photography & travel blogging into one location – When I “flew the coop” there was no definitive plan. It was a little like this quote by Ray Bradbury ~
“First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down.”
My simple, free and easy life led me to places I never could have imagined. Along the way I met Bill – the perfect travel partner. I could not have planned or imagined anything as amazing as the journey we have had together. We are extremely blessed to travel and see the world, but our favorite moments are those “simple times” – walks in nature, meeting strangers who become new friends, and a good belly laugh at least once a day. We enjoy our time together so much that we are making it permanent – we are getting married!
This new site, is the start of a new chapter. It’s a little bittersweet to let go of my Cathy Flew the Coop website. It was a time of overcoming fears and taking risks. It was a breath of fresh air, a new beginning, and represents some of the best decisions I’ve ever made. But it’s now time for this little bird to settle back into a nice cozy nest in Northern Michigan.
Oh, that doesn’t mean we won’t be traveling – we’re always thinking about where to go next! And when not traveling, I’ll still be photographing weddings, dancers, & families. All the details will be here, on this new site. Everything condensed into one online space – so much simpler!
You would think a simple lifestyle would be, well simple, but it does take effort. Traveling light continues to be a work in progress, it’s easy have a long to-do list, and I do love to shop. But, constant reminders to keep it simple are worth every bit of effort.
Give it a try – simplify – you never know how it will change your life.
What have you done or plan to do to simplify your life? What have you experienced in the process? Please share in the comments below.