My Last Days in Ecuador | Vilcabamba
Vilcabamba – what can I say about Vilcabamba – paradise, oasis, sanctuary? It was a place like no other that I visited in Ecuador or anyplace else for that matter. Nestled in the Southern Andes it is referred to as the Longevity Valley. It is unclear why, but there are stories of an uncommon number of residents over the age of 100. Some theories behind this phenomenon are the minerals in the water, the healthy diet, exercise, and laid back lifestyle. However, some who have investigated believe the age claims are an exaggeration. Whatever the truth is, I loved the place and was not ready to leave. My last two days in Ecuador were bittersweet as I relaxed and enjoyed spending time with my new friends at Madre Tierra, a beautiful sanctuary on a hill overlooking this Valley of Longevity.
Every room at Madre Tierra was decorated differently. We toured each other’s rooms one night and Bev’s “Hobbit Room” had to be the best. It was so tiny, only someone her size could have even stood in there – I hope she got some pictures!
My own personal front porch.
With an amazing view!
loved this window in my room
Yes, that is a purple toilet – my room had a retro feel of purple and orange everywhere.
My sink was awesome!
I fought back tears as I hugged my new friends goodbye on my last day in Ecuador. Interesting how a last minute change in my itinerary put me at Madre Tierra (I was scheduled to stay at another location). That one little change led me to meet amazing people that I would never have known otherwise.
I really was not ready to leave Madre Tierra that morning, but it was time for me to head back home. We spent a long day traveling to the airport in Guayaquil through fog, mudslides, detours, banana fields, and traffic stops. My time in Ecuador has come to an end, but this amazing, life changing journey I am on will continue.