Indescribable beauty, cute animals, and runs like clockwork | Switzerland
When asked my favorite place to travel, I usually reply wherever I am. However, I do have a special place in my heart for Switzerland, especially Kiental, and can’t wait to return.
While reflecting on the trip there are a couple of travel tips I’d like to share:
Be prepared with adapters for your electronics. Most places we stayed did have adapters we could borrow, but it was sometimes a challenge to get what we needed when we needed it. Take care that you not only have an adapter for regular plugs like your phone, but also a three-prong version for items like a laptop.
The cheese, yogurt, and chocolate in Switzerland were amazing, but can have a negative effect on the traveler’s digestive system. TMI…? Just a fact to be aware of – you may want to take something along in your first aid kit to get things moving again
Speaking of first aid kits – mole skill was invaluable with the amount of hiking we were doing – it’s the best for protecting blisters so you can continue to hike.
And, the number one tip I give on every blog, but have yet to master – do not overpack! There is no reason for more that one pair of jeans – they are heavy in the suitcase and you can only wear one pair at a time – take your favorites. The biggest mistake I made this trip was not reading the weather forecast close enough – I did not need any of the warm weather clothing I brought along. Once again I’m wearing the same few clothes repeatedly while lugging a 50 pound suitcase everywhere I go.
I can’t say enough about the beauty in Switzerland every direction you turn. I especially loved the views from the quaint village of Kiental where we spent most of our time.
Everywhere we went was neat, clean and very precise. Even their wood was stacked and stored perfectly.
Of course in Switzerland things happened like “clockwork”. It was amazing how smoothly everything worked on the transit system. Even with only minutes to change trains and buses – we made it with no problems.
The hikes in Kiental were by far the most amazing of any I’ve ever taken – whether stopping to rest and take in the surrounding beauty or talking to the friendly animals along the way.
Wild deer seen on our hike high in the mountains.
Reminds me of Sophie the Giraffe
Cutest face ever!
Even the goats have bells
The cows in Switzerland are content, happy and healthy. I already miss the constant sound of their bells as they walk through the pastures, down the streets of the village, or running to the fence to greet you – they loved to be petted!
So what really happens “When the cows come home”? Guess we’ll have to return to Switzerland to learn the answer to that question.