Dog Sledding in Northern Michigan | A Bucket List Experience
Did you know you can go dog sledding in Michigan? While discussing plans for a trip to enjoy winter activities in the Upper Peninsula, a friend suggested dog sledding. Really? How cool! So thankful for this tip – it was the highlight of our trip!
The adventure began with a good night’s sleep and hearty breakfast at Chamberlin’s Old Forest Inn. Only a 30 minute drive to Nature’s Kennel, it’s the perfect place to stay. They even offer a package for lodging, breakfast, dinner, and dog sledding. It was also nice to be able to return for dinner by the cozy fire.
Beautiful morning view of Big Manistique Lake at Chamberlin’s Inn
The gathering area at Chamberlin’s Inn for a hot breakfast and cozy dinner by the fire.
After breakfast we bundled up from head to toe. Be prepared – it is cold riding on the sled. You aren’t moving much and the wind is coming right at you. We were pretty well equipped with wind pants, warm coats, hats, gloves, and muffs. The kennel has a supply of extra warm boots to borrow – take advantage – they kept our feet toasty warm!
The drive to the kennel was slow going, but beautiful. What a blessing to have such a gorgeous sunshiny day! It was thrilling to be greeted by the happy, well cared for dogs as we entered the kennel. They were friendly, loving, and ready to play!
Over 100 dogs – hoping it’s their turn to run! White houses for boys; Blue houses for girls
Each dog’s home is marked with name and birth year – Here’s Yahtzee born in 2011.
Such sweet, lovable dogs
The storage units are matched up to each dog with personal harnesses and supplies.
There must be a tremendous amount of work involved in training and caring for so many dogs. Check out the background sign – poop mountain
Our guide Zoe gave detailed instructions as we prepared for the ride. Yes, it’s true-the dogs will keep running so if you happen to tip over -hang on!
Yeah – so happy you picked me!
Getting the dogs ready was a lot of work!
They were so excited and ready to run – their energy was contagious.
Booties on – ready to go!
And we’re off!
This is my view riding in the sleigh with our guide Zoe in charge of the team. I chose to ride instead of drive so I could get pictures along the way.
Bill drove his own sleigh and team – the smile never left his face!
It was such a beautiful day, we didn’t want it to end. Our ride took us about 10 miles. Next time we’ll choose the all day option. They even offer an option to camp overnight.
Thank you Nature’s Kennel in Curtis, MI for an exhilarating experience!
There are so many hidden gems in this world that we might not find without the suggestions of others. This was a big check off the bucket list, that I didn’t even know I wanted to do ;). What’s your coolest unexpected experience?